One of the group activities was to make a superhero out of various materials and then give a commentary on them. Well you never heard such waffle, but very funny.
Including counsellors in the teams and having Mision Rescate organise the tasks meant that the groups got extremely competitive. This is Raul (chief counsellor) running back to the auditorium having found the hidden disc.
This is his team after having won the treasure hunt for the disc.
The high spirit of competition meant the scoreboard was constantly being monitored and critiqued by all, and meant Mision Rescate were constantly being almost harassed about the scoring.
This is the winning team on the last evening sporting the t-shirts they had just won, all with Christian logos.
The obstacle course was as always a highlight for all. This is a team trying to walk on two planks. Good for team co-ordination.
Traversing the net covered with water and flour.
Crossing the 'typoid tank' which was particularly stagnant this year.
Each year there is a male and a female camper of the year. This is Richard who won male camper on the last day. He thoroughly enjoyed himself.
This is one of the teams having finished the course. I only wish I had got the before picture aswell.
Well not to be outdone, on the second day of obstacle courses, after the campers had all ran, the Mision Rescate (along with a few volunteers to make up numbers) ran against the team of counsellors. This is where things really went mad and the boot polish, shaving foam etc were all liberally coated on anyone and everyone.
This is the counsellor team after.
This is Maria del Carmen one of the Mision Rescate members who had been covering campers in flour. Some of the campers then took the opportunity to get their own back.
Some also got their own back on Raul, another Mision Rescate team member, who had been hosing everyone.
Well not to worry, he who laughs last laughs the longest, as Maria del Carmen and Raul caught up with at least one of the culprits.
Well those are some of the things that also went on during this camp. No doubt you'll agree much fun was had.
God Bless,
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