Class on Monday went well; we had got as far as wives and husbands in 1Peter 3:1-7. It was a very relevant section to a few of the ladies in the class who are married to unbelieving husbands. Some interesting questions, one in particular which I can’t remember now, but had absolutely nothing I could see to do with the topic. All I can say is you always get one!
The rest of the week included the normal preparations and visits. Also on Thursday afternoons we have managed to get a regular group from the seminary, and some others, together to play football. I try my best but it’s a good time together. Can’t let myself get too out of shape or I’ll not stand a chance of fighting for my place on Magherafelt Baptist’s first XI.
Saturday morning’s class went well also, though numbers dropped a bit because of the holiday week end. We finished the first topic, which was Death and Grief etc. and now we are starting Addictions this coming week. Saturday night many churches arranged Christian alternatives to the Halloween celebrations. The ‘Luz de Vida’ group I normally help out at were attending a larger gathering. A group who call themselves ‘Network of Christian Young People in Tacna’ (it really does sound shorter and catchier in Spanish) hired the Council Theatre and had an anti-Halloween event. It apparently went really well, though also really late. I was planning to go but was exhausted at 6pm and I was due to visit Tarata on Sunday (yesterday) so I gave it a miss and was in bed before 10pm.
Sunday then saw Chris and I visit Tarata a second time. I even managed to get a few more photos. 
Below is a picture of the local office of the 'Proyecto Sierra Sur'.
I haven't a clue what they do, but in a previous existence this was the home of veteran missionaries Sam and Mary Sloan who lived in this house while they ministered in this town and the surrounding valley. In a sense another reminder of the long history of Baptist Mission's work, in so many different places, in South Peru.
However, our trip to Ticaco wasn't a sheep finding expedition. We were actually hoping to visit an elderly lady I mentioned in a previous post. Sadly the lady is locked in, for her own safety, and we weren’t able to get in to see her. She is very deaf so she didn’t hear us at the door. None of her relatives, who have keys, were in but we guessed they may be at the cemetery. It is All Saints/Souls this weekend and all Catholics are congregating at the cemeteries. 
We visited there and met a few people but alas not the ladies son or next door neighbour. I was wearing a black shirt and trousers (bad choice for this weekend) as a number of people apparently presumed I was a visiting priest and were asking Berta who I was in case I could offer some prayers or perform some other rites.
I might speak more about this in a later post. Anyway we have postponed visiting the elderly lady, Gregoria, until the next visit and will attempt to get a key we can take with us to avoid any problems.
Thank you once again for your valued support and interest in the work I’m involved in here and please continue to pray for the whole team of missionaries here. Especially pray for the plans which are already underway for summer camps and also for the churches Christmas activities which are even earlier.
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