Last week I dedicated to finishing up preparations for the 1 Peter classes which I managed. On Saturday night I had the pleasure of speaking at the ‘Rosa de Saron’ young people’s group. I was surprised how many attended.
On Sunday I was scheduled to preach at ‘Pan de Vida’ church but was asked to change from the morning service to the evening to accommodate the Pastor from ‘San Antonio’ church in Moquegua who was exchanging pulpits that morning. This allowed him to get a bus back to Moquegua that afternoon and not have to stay overnight. What I discovered (it had previously been mentioned to me by the Pastor at ‘Pan de Vida’) was that the congregation almost changes between morning and evening. For some reason the two services are attended by almost completely distinct groups of people. Well it was good to meet these people too but as the sermon was a second part of a series I was tempted to, and had I had it with me, I would have shared the first sermon once again.
Anyway, this week has been focused on finishing all preparations for the second class, writing another sermon, preparing a youth talk for Luz de Vida this Saturday night and trying to start another prayer letter.
I have also been having a bash at some baking. Lourdes and Graham Williamson gifted me a little yellow recipe book from Ballygomartin Baptist Church. It is very good and easy to follow (it would need to be in my case). I have so far had a very successful start with Fifteens, Flapjacks and Banana cake.
Some ingredients needed amended as you can’t get quite the same items here but they all turned out very well. Thankfully, for the sake of my midline, I was able to share them with others around the seminary.
Assignments were supposed to be handed in this week but so far I have only received one, so I expect the rest next week (note the optimistic tone... not even a hint of sarcasm). I am sharing at both the youth and Sunday evening service at Luz de Vida this weekend so please remember that in prayer.
Please also remember in prayer one of my downstairs neighbours. His name is Adonias and he is a Brazilian student who has been studying here for a few months.
Thank you all once again for your interest and prayerful support.
God Bless,
Hi Alistair,
Sounds like you are really getting involved in Tacna and making a huge contribution not just to the 4 churches but to quite a few others. Keep up the good work.
Dave & Alicia
Thanks for the update. Good to hear your little sidelines about life & ministry in Tacna. Been praying for you!
Miss you and your sense of humour here.
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