Thursday, 17 September 2009

Old & New

Hi. Classes continue well.
It seems the in my 1 Peter class on Monday nights I will probably have 17 students, and there are currently 9 students in my Saturday morning Practical Theology class; big enough to get a discussion going but not so large that I wouldn’t get to know the students. Anyway I’ll write more about this as the semester develops.

On Sunday night I had the pleasure of visiting a church in ‘Cono Norte’ or the northern end of Tacna, opposite obviously to ‘Cono Sur’ or southern point where the de Vida churches, seminary and radio station are. It’s a church my Dad worked with a lot during his time in Peru but is now independent from the mission and seemingly doing well. The pastor had invited me to speak at an anniversary service back in July but I wasn’t able to attend. Instead I promised a date in September; last Sunday night. It was good to meet up with people I hadn’t seen since I was a child and was frankly surprised that I was able to recollect quite a few faces. The fact is however, that these believers haven’t forgotten many of the missionaries and teams that have visited them in the past. A few members, knowing I was coming, brought along photos they treasured of our family.
This is one of me with a full head of blond hair.
I was encouraged to see how the church was progressing and developing. Their building is well finished now and they have power point, drums, electric guitars etc. In fact the worship was interesting given the blend of accordion and electric guitar, joined later by the drum kit when the drummer eventually showed up. Yet it did demonstrate their attempt to cater for all ages. They sang 3-4 hymns from the old ‘Cala’ hymn book (which I remember was old when I was young), a few from another hymn book, evidently more recent, and lastly a worship time of very new songs on the power point.

I must say that my overarching impression was that I was made very welcome and that they were genuinely encouraged and excited that I had taken the time to visit. As a result I have made arrangements to visit another Sunday night mid-October.

Well, in the spirit of visiting places of old anew, I plan God willing to go to Tarata on Sunday morning. This is a little town about 2 hours from Tacna (some say less now that the road is tarmac) up into the mountains. The mission established a work there many years ago but sadly not many missionaries have been able to visit recently. The last ones to visit, as far I’ve been told, were the first MisiĆ³n Rescate team. Please pray for safety as I travel (I was nearly hit by a bus overtaking a car approaching a bend this morning as I travelled back from Ilo). Also pray as I preach, that the message I share would be an encouragement to those present.

The other event I attended was a basketball competition in which Rebecca Morrow was participating. I had heard so much about how amazing etc these were and I wasn't disappointed. Both her match and the last match were particularly exciting and had us on the edges, and off, our seats at the end. I thought I would post one picture in particular which I thought was quite humourus.
It looks distinctly as if 16 has been hit with the mid-match-munchies and decided to have a chew on 43's bicep with 32 looking on in disbelief. I might get on to this basketball thing yet!

Thanks again for all your support and encouragement.
God Bless.

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