On a more humorous note I've found that I know some Spanish not recognized as legitimate by any official authority on Spanish. These are not slang or swear words, that's another story, just words I've Hispanicised and truly believe would be valuable additions to the language. Chief among these would be 'Mandatorio' my Spanish wannabe equivalent for 'Mandatory'. Sadly, solely for me it seems, that slot is already occupied by the word 'Obligatorio' similar to 'Obligatory'. It is taking considerable effort on my part, and patience on my two tutors parts, for me to undo the habit of using the wrong word. What's more to the point, I never imagined I would use this word as often as I evidently do!
As hinted above I have learnt some slang and some common swear words, not because I plan to profanely insult anyone, but rather to ensure I don't. I've already managed, quite innocently, to accuse our missionaries in Ilo of having less than honourable interactions with their money changers. I must refrain from elaborating further here, suffice to say I think these classes have already proved invaluable.
To change the subject a bit, I'm glad to say that language school hasn't been the only think I've been up to here. I've been to a church held in a coffee shop, been to play football (at 2200m above sea level might I add) and even scored a goal yesterday. The highlight, of my out of school activities so far, in many ways has been to visit an orphanage. A friend of mine, JD Lovell, a missionary kid who I grew up with here in Peru is volunteering at a number of different children's homes in Peru and Colombia over the coming months.
Presently he is working at New Hope Children's Home here in Arequipa. Last Wednesday I went to visited him after school. It was great not only to catch up with him but also to see the work he's involved in. The conditions in some senses were basic yet I'm told they are much better than many other orphanages in the city. Almost all the children come from very difficult backgrounds.
It was a truly heart warming and challenging experience to see this ministry to some of the most underprivileged and vulnerable in Peruvian society. The volunteers seek tirelessly to present the gospel to the children and young people in their care and expain to them the only true and everlasting hope that is found in Christ Jesus.
If you want to know more JD also has a web blog which you can read. The web address is:
or you can search for 'Peru-Colombia Trip 09'.
or you can search for 'Peru-Colombia Trip 09'.
Please continue to pray that my time at language school would be beneficial in the long term, and as I prepare to take on the role of leading the 'Mision Recate' team. Please also pray for my health as I've had recurrent headaches recently and some nausea at times. I've yet to figure out a cause.
I'm away to bed now and see if a good rest cures the headache.
God Bless,
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