Monday, 9 February 2009


Hi, this is just a short post to inform you of answered prayer. We arrived safely, though exhausted, in Lima yesterday. We made an early start this morning and headed to the immigrations office. We had allocated two days to complete the necessary paperwork, and a third just in case of complications. However, God answered prayer and we were able to complete all the necessary procedures, and walk out of immigrations with our residency cards in hand at 11:45am, just before they closed for lunch at midday. It was a great relief that there were no complications etc. Thanks once again to all who prayed.

Grace Roycroft's does seem to be a little more complicated but it will not be completed for a few months yet as her paperwork couldn't be commenced until her parents paperwork was complete. So we would value continued prayer on her behalf.

Now having a resident status we were able to open bank accounts this afternoon, which will save us from having to carry cash on our person. It also means we don't have to carry our passports everywhere we go as a form of ID which is comforting.

In the next few days we have a few other things to do like getting a couple of copies of my birth certificate. Good thing I was born in Lima. This actually confused the man at immigrations considerably, why someone born in Lima was now applying for foreign residency status. I suppose I could apply for Peruvian citizenship, but one thing at a time for now. Anyway tomorrow I'll try and get new copies of my birth certificate. For some unknown reason I'm quite excited about this, I just don't know why.

My latest educational experience has been learning how to upload photos on the blog, thanks to Andrew Roycroft guidance.

The two photos I've uploaded refer back to the previous post about the youth camp. The first photo is of some of the camp leaders, including the 'Mision Rescate' team, Richard who helps with the church plant in Ite (beside mein the back row), the guest speaker Santiago (in the front row in red shorts and grey top) and myself.

The second photo depicts some of the unfortunate individuals being 'placed' in the typhoid tank. At this point I'm still behind the camera but shortly got in of my own accord to save being 'placed' there.

I have to go now but will write again soon. God Bless.


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