Thursday, 29 January 2009

up to date

The last post ended with us arriving in Ilo.

Since arriving in Ilo I have been living with the Murphy family who have very kindly let me stay with them. Its been great to get to know them and share their home. In between trying to settle in and do things like trying to open bank accounts (unsuccessfully until we finish our immigration procedures apparently) Dave has been explaining to me the workings of the 'Mision Rescate' team and the responsibilities I'll have once he goes home on deputation.

Last week I was out of action for about three days with a tummy bug, I'm not sure if its something I got since I arrived, or something I brought with me. In the end thats just another part of settling in to a new culture.

This week Trevor, the Roycrofts and I went to Arequipa for three days. This was to move some of the Roycrofts belongings and to sort our accomodations for language study. We are supposed to all start in March, and it looks as though I'll be living with the McKelvie family from Mountpottinger Baptist who serve with SIM in Arequipa. It will be a good chance to catch up and it makes going to Arequipa a little less daunting. I'm only going for one month but I reckon it will be hard work but very profitable. I'll keep you posted on this.
We also were able to get a lot of other things sorted while in Arequipa which made the trip even more worthwhile. I also managed to find a hat that actually fits properly and will keep my head from looking like a tomato with a beard!

On Saturday I'm going to go to Ite to stay and help at the youth camp that starts then. I have been given the responsibility of being the camp first aider/nurse. I'm looking forward to the camp. Some prayer points include:
  • That there are no major injuries or illnesses.
  • That a good number of young people turn up.
  • That it would be enjoyable, but more importantly, a spiritually enriching experience for the campers.
  • For all the leaders, speakers and helpers as they interact with the young people.

With the camp in view I plan to spend today and some of tomorrow purchasing items for the camp both personal and for the first aid box, which is proving a little harder than expected. For example I can't find just plain non-elasticated bandages.

I value your prayers immensely. Please keep praying both for the specific items I share but also the more general everpresent issues that are simply part of missionary life in this country for example safety walking around town and safety in travels. This was highlighted yesterday on our return from Arequipa. On the bends going up and down mountains, which anyone who has been to Peru will be familiar with, the recklessness of other drivers were at times astounding.

I better go now, but I'll write again when I get the chance and let you know how the camp went.

Thanks and God Bless.



Brian McFarland said...

Hi Alistair,
I am from Armagh Baptist. I have been reading your blog as I check up on the Roycrofts and assure you of our prayers regularly.

Brian and Phyllis McFarland

Alistair said...

Thankyou, I´m meeting the Roycrofts later this morning and will mention to them also. Thankyou so much for your prayers. Hopefully when I´m back in Ireland I´ll get the chance to meet you both in person.
