Monday, 10 November 2008

Prayer Points

As I wrote below, I'm trying to get a lot of stuff sorted at the minute. The following are some items which you could pray about:

The first is that I would get a residents visa granted before I go to Peru. Both the Roycrofts and I have begun the paperwork for this but are waiting to hear from Lima. This might be quite important because if it doesn't get here on time I will have to try and get into Peru on a tourist visa. However a family friend recently tried entering Peru on a tourist visa but because she was travelling on a one way ticket she had to go and buy a return flight. I am travelling on a one way ticket so I would prefer not having to deal with any hastle of this sort either in Dublin or Lima airports.

Secondly you could pray for the other preparations. Presently I am trying to write an information leaflet (which is proving more difficult to do than I initially thought), and also a prayer card. I half considered leaving my face off it but I think by definition a prayer card should have your photo on it otherwise its just a large business card.

Thirdly I'm planning a couple of courses to teach at the seminary in Tacna. I have already begun working on them a bit because I need to figure out what the content is, so that in turn I can decide what books I need, so that I make sure I take them with me. Although I haven't managed to get as far in the preparation as I had hoped, I need to make sure I at least have a fairly final idea of the content. Please pray that, as I plan and prepare these courses, God would clearly show me what would be beneficial for the students and what He would have me teach, rather than what seems interesting to me.

I'll write again soon,
God Bless,

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