In a previous post I had mentioned that I had been invited to speak at the Manantial de Vida church, last night, when the church was planning to have a special service to commemorate the Day of the Reformation and Day of the Pastor. I had been asked to say something of an overview of the Reformation and then say something appropriate to the Pastor and also for those considering the call into the ministry.
During the course of this week I found out that they were also going to take advantage of the occasion and dedicate two infants. Needless to say this sounded like, and indeed turned out to be, a very packed service. It began shortly after 5pm and ended after 8pm, but I must admit that I enjoyed every minute.
Towards the beginning I presented a brief 10min overview of the Reformation, and thanks to a power point presentation I think most people understood at least a little of what I was talking about; that or perhaps were just nodding politely. Later in the service the Pastor presented the two infants to the church and explained the responsibility the parents and the church members were committing themselves to before God. He then prayed for them and the parents. It was lovely.
Shortly after I was then called on to bring the message and I spoke primarily from 1Timothy 4:13-16. I brought a few thoughts firstly for the Pastor, then those being called into the ministry and then finally addressed the congregation to support and love their Pastor.
After this the Pastor brought a few words of his own to the church and also invited his wife to join him emphasising that the ministry in the church did not just involve him, but that his wife was an integral part of team and the support she offered him. Then some church members said some words of appreciation to the Pastor and his family and offered him a gift.
Once the service finished (after 8pm) there was a plate of food provided for everyone. Again this was a lovely opportunity for fellowship, to express gratitude to the Pastor and take photos with the newly dedicated children. It was a lovely service and I felt a great pleasure from being able to join with Gods people and extremely privileged to have the honour of bringing God’s word during the service. I know many of you have been praying for particularly during this week and I am convinced that God answered yours and my prayers last night. I would ask you to continue to pray for the Pastors in all the churches here as they strive in their ministries before God. Above is Ps. Abraham Rengifo and me. I’m now heading out the door to the Monday night classes at the seminary (only across the road).